II Miedzynarodowy Plener Malarski
Organizacja: Polka - Międzynarodowa Asocjacja Kobiet Polskich - Polka International
Kategoria: Plenery Artystyczne i Wystawy
1-6 czerwca 2009 w Löddeköpinge, Malmo, Szwecja
Honorowy Patronat objął Konsulat Generalny RP w Malmo
Organizator pleneru
Polka International Szwecja. Vernisaż odwiedziły prezeski oddziałów Polka International.
Wystawy poplenerowe
4 czerwca w Konsulacie RP w Malmo|
6 czerwca w Lödde Centrum w Löddekopinge
II Miedzynarodowy Plener - Obrazy
Katalog i sponsorzy
Z okazji pleneru został wydany katalog.
Konsulat Generalny RP w Malmo
Elizabeth B - butik - art gallery
Star Promotion AB
TIP-TOP butik z Malmo
Polfferies Polish Baltic Shiping Co. z Malmo
Solkärna AB, Löddeköpinge
Kävlinge Kommun
Maria Delikateser, Löddeköpinge
Furubygdens, Löddeköpinge
Jennyfers Cosmetique, Löddeköpinge
Roos, clothes and things, Löddeköpinge
Opracowanie graficzna katalogu> Elizabeth Blania Kacprzyk
Na temat prac artystów wypowiedział się
STIGE ÅKE Stålnacke- bardzo znany szwedzki krytyk sztuki, współpracujacy z wieloma czasopismami, radiem i telewizją. Był naczelnym redaktorem czasopisma "Paletten" i "Collage". Napisał dwie ksiązki o artyście Bengt Lindström i o artyście Marchello. Po zapoznaniu się z pracami artystów Stig Åke Stålnacke nadał tytuł:
11 Lirycznych Poetów Obrazu
Artyści biorący udział w plenerze:
KATARZYNA Blekiewicz, Gdańsk, Polska
ANNA Bociek, Gdańsk, Polska
TADEUSZ Filipek, Lund, Szwecja
RENATA Grefstad, Malmo, Szwecja
EMMA Gunarsson,Ystad, Szwecja
NATALJA Kuberska, Lwów, Ukraina
RENNE Lantz, Loddekopinge,Szwecja
SHEILA Robinson, London, UK
WOJCIECH Rogosz, Warszawa, Polska
KATARINA Tkaczova, Lwów, Ukraina
ELISABETH Wejsflog, Malmo, Szwecja
Poza katalogiem gościnnie brała udział w plenerze VERA Prokopova.
I Vernisaż w Konsulacie RP
Z katalogu
Słowo wstępne Konsula Generalnego RP Jarosława Łasińskiego
As Consul General of the Republic of Poland in Malmö it is my great pleasure to invite you to view the results of the III International Open-Air Workshop organized by Polka - Polish Women's Association International which will take place in Malmö and Löddeköpinge between 31st May and 7th June of 2009. The workshop will feature several painters. Some of them are young, ambitious, just entering life, when others are with extensive baggage of experience. The workshop is not focused on particular field of art or any specific technique. One will not even find a main idea behind it. The artists themselves do not have very much in common: they come from different backgrounds, use various techniques, they do not even speak the same language as they come from many countries, yet many of them are either from Poland, or are Polish by extraction. So the obvious questions has to be asked - why and what for?
An open-air workshop in the ideological sense was a protest against centuries old tradition of painting in enclosed studios. Artists moved outside by themselves or in groups in search of interesting motifs or artistic inspiration. Common was an idea of searching and becoming closer with the artistic truth, no matter how subjective it could be.
Contemporary open-air workshops mean the creation of a space of mutual inspiration, sharing and exchanging experiences. There is no need to go outside any more to paint a landscape, to present the beauty of a place or to catch a notable change in the realm. It is rather a creation of an individual piece of art and - for the artist - the possibility of taking part in such a gathering can become a catharsis - the magical ritual of artistic soul cleansing.
A more meaningful significance can be attributed to international workshops, where artists from different countries encounter others who are subscribed to diverse artistic and philosophical values originated in dissimilar traditions. Such meetings can create mutual interaction and artistic surprises, and where a common mother tongue does not exist, artistic dialogue is much more important.
As Henri Bergson said in The Creative Mind "What is the aim of art if not to show us, in nature and in the mind, outside of us and within us, things which did not explicitly strike our senses and our consciousness?" Let me share with all of you my personal conviction that the results of this workshop will be pieces of art that will come into direct contact with our sense and consciousness, brushing aside the utilitarian symbols, the conventional and socially accepted generalities, in short, everything that veils reality from us, in order to bring us face to face with reality itself. But in order to face that reality, we need assistance, some guidance, some explanation. And again - according to Bergson - "For hundred of years, in fact, there have been men whose function has been precisely to see and to make us see what we do not naturally perceive. They are the artists."
Extending my sincere gratitude and deepest thanks to all of the artists and organizers of the workshop, I would like to wish you all a rich, aesthetic and spiritual experience, hoping that it will offer us all a moment of solitary reflection upon the condition of our unveiled reality.
Jarosław Łasiński
Consul General of the Republic of Poland in Malmö
Vernisaż w Löddeköpinge
Z katalogu
Słowo wstępne prezesa Polka International Elizabeth Blania Kacprzyk
In life, existence is preceded by thought. Thoughts are magnetized threads which attract art.
That is why this catalogue is in your hands; a result of such thoughts, and in this instance, inspired from my heart.
The gifted work of my loyal and devoted friend, artist and painter Ewa Wacherlohn, who in 2008, initiated and organized a continuing International On Location Painter's Sessions, is the source of my and my Polka International Board's enthusiasm.
The function of art is to move us, from the inside and outwards, uncovering or enhancing our deepest feelings; whether or not the consequence of which are tears of sadness or joy.
Art allows freedom, ergo independence.
For me, independence is creating venues where the end result carries effective assistance to children and youth who are challenged in spirit or body.
Artists through their tools of brushes or chisels pour forth their feelings onto canvass or stone; gratefully those objects become living subjects. This independence is then, true freedom and thankfully we each can choose a heavenly path.
Accordingly, during this Session titled: "11 Lyrical Poet's Paintings" you will have the opportunity to place a bid on one of Ewa Wacherlohn's works donated for this very special goal. All proceeds shall be conveyed to Poland for the purpose stated.
In this regard, I extend my appreciation to Consul General of the Republic of Poland in Malmö, Mr. Jarosław Łasinski for his patronage and financial assistance. Sincere gratitude to Mr. Stig Åke Stålnacke for his observations and opinions on the artist's works.
I wish you, visitors and artists, a stimulating exchange of inspiration.
Elizabeth Blania Kacprzyk
Founder / President